Bianka Mosolygó-Varga

volunteer coordinator

My name is Bia, I am the proud mom of a 7 year old jack russell terrier (Flea) and her 6 month old human baby brother (Marci). Previously, I worked exclusively at for-profit organizations in the financial and administrative fields. I have been actively involved in people management, process and organizational development for 7 years. As a manager, I strongly believe in two things: the strength of a team and motivated employees. I embrace volunteer management with these in mind, with the huge advantage that volunteers are not employees but much more than that.Any why Adománytaxi? Neither in my family nor in my narrower / wider environment is there a real culture of donating and living our everyday lives in a socially sensitive manner. That’s why I’ve been consciously sensitizing myself – along with my family and friends – for years. I helped in a variety of places and ways to the best of my ability, but I never came across an organization that really made an impression. Until I became involved with Adománytaxi. It is an intelligent organization and its operation is perfectly tailored for our modern way of life. It fills a gap. I am happy and proud to be a part of it.