Borcsa Michaletzky-Holka


My name is Borcsa Michaletzky-Holka, in my full-time job I run the business development department at a state-owned company, and I raise an 8.5-year-old boy and an 11-year-old dachshund with varying degrees of success. I first came across Adománytaxi as a donor and immediately felt like that what they were doing filled a gap. When it became clear to me a few years ago that I wanted to help by doing work with my own two hands in addition to the coordinated charity activities at the company and the regular donations, they immediately came to mind. It’s been over 3 years now and the collaboration has been continuous ever since. Most of the time I do driving, stocking up, choosing clothes, and act as a salesman at Taxi rummage sales, which I especially enjoy, as it’s good to see that our customers find real treasures for themselves – while the donations are piling in well! It’s a true win-win. My favorite Taxi memory of also connected to a rummage sale  – the mega sale we organized Ördögkatlan –  which was superb for a variety of reasons, including the environment, the people, and the weather. And what the Taxi has given me in addition to volunteering is a lot of very nice people whom I would have probably never met.

Volunteering has always been important to me, and I’ve been involved in it since I was a teenager. By now, I also know that – in addition to good intentions – it matters a great deal what and how a person does this, and I think Adománytaxi is superb in this (too)!