Tamás Horn

founder, chairman of the Board

I graduated from Eötvös Loránd University in 2013 as a sociologist, and since then I have been involved in informal education, volunteering and social initiatives (Taglit Birthright, Tikkun Olam Program, Snétberger Music Talent Center, Közös Nevező Program, Haver Foundation). I have worked in many different social environments and encountered various life situations. I have been a professional athlete, worked as a broadcaster, photojournalist, animator, and rickshaw driver. I have always been interested in  and put out by  inequalities, this may be the root of the idea for Adománytaxi; the desire to build bridges, the need to create balance. As a leader of the organization, I strive for our work to enable as many people as possible to experience responsibility, dialogue and the joy of being part of a community, as well as to improve the lives of those living in extreme poverty in small settlements.