„It’s more than CSR..” – our first teambuilding for a company

Fulókércs, 2018. szeptember 23.
Vörös Eszter – HR területen dolgozok
Vasárnap 900 embernek vittünk adományt, olyan körülmények fogadtak, amelyekre bár próbáltunk, de nem lehet eléggé felkészülni. Most találkoztunk először a harmadik világgal.


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We were prepared that we will see a very poor village, where the majority of the people live in #emense poverty. We knew we were going to organize a market for them from the donations we were taking, to offer programs for the kids during the market and visit some families to hand over food donations directly. But we didn’t know how this really will play out, how we will take it.

We first held the market, we did face painting, drawing, games and played football with the kids.

We were then welcomed by the ladies of the local kitchen (where they also cook for the local school) for a delicious lunch of traditional gypsy dishes!

We then visited 4 families who welcomed us into their homes and shared with us their stories.

At the end of the trip we visited the Fay castle. We closed the day with reflecting on what we experienced.

I can say, also in the name of all my colleagues who participated in the trip, that what we saw and experienced, we were not prepared for!

Yes, we met with very poor people, living in conditions that is unimaginable for many of us.

BUT we also experienced how people in this village support each other as a true community!

They are constantly working on something to make their village nicer, to allow children to learn more so they can have a better future, to think of solutions to make sure that no one is cold or hungry during winter.

We saw examples of true leadership, conflict handling, team support. Many-many examples of people being HUMANE to each other. Instead of hate and caring only about individual interest they operate a circle of safety where individuals are stronger by being part of the community.

And despite the extreme hard conditions they live in, in all of this, they live their life smiling, being proud of the small achievements and always setting knew goals!

Truly amazing! We could all learn a lot from them!

What Tamas is achieving with whole concept of Adomanytaxi and what it is bringing to such communities is remarkable!

What this experience brings for companies like ours is more then just CSR, more then teambuilding, it is something exceptional!

I hope that we can share this with more and more people within our company and that XAPT, being the first company to work with Adomany Taxi, will set the example for other companies to follow. Living up to our companies motto too: Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail!

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