The social responsibility of dialogue

The idea for Adománytaxi Alapítvány (Charity Taxi Foundation) struck Tamas Horn when the European migrant crisis peaked in 2015. All around him, ordinary Hungarians were opening their hearts and their homes to help asylum seekers. If they could rally to support this temporary influx of migrants, Tamas thought, why not maintain that momentum to help Hungarians living in persistent poverty? 


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The idea for Adománytaxi Alapítvány (Charity Taxi Foundation) struck Tamas Horn when the European migrant crisis peaked in 2015. All around him, ordinary Hungarians were opening their hearts and their homes to help asylum seekers. If they could rally to support this temporary influx of migrants, Tamas thought, why not maintain that momentum to help Hungarians living in persistent poverty?

“During the refugee crisis, we saw how much surplus people had in their homes because they didn’t know what to do with it or didn’t trust existing organizations to put it to good use. So I thought, why don’t we go directly to people’s homes to pick it up? I posted the idea on Facebook, and that’s how we started,” Tamas said.

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