Ágnes Fanni Bácsi


I work as a librarian, which I consider to be my true vocation. In my free time I do yoga, walk, bike, travel, and if I don’t feel like being active, I enjoy cooking, reading or just relaxing with family and friends. I came across the Taxi on Facebook in 2018. I like to be among people, to connect and helping others is also close to my heart. However, I’m not very good at direct help – just walking up to somebody. That’s one of the reasons I liked the Taxi, there’s so much work in the background here that everyone can find the volunteer form that’s closest to them. I like the Taxi rummage sales and the trips to the countryside the most, because this is when I meet other volunteers and those for whom we do all this. The most motivating thing about the Taxi for me is that it really works on a voluntary basis. Nothing is mandatory, I am free to decide how much I want to get involved in each event. I help others while I also recharge, gain experiences, make friends, and get richer spiritually.